Frequently Asked Questions

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Question: What Happens If My Internet Goes Down When Using Cloud Hosting?
Many cloud-based softwares go down whenever the internet goes out, causing their users to go back to doing paper tickets. However, ScrapRight has an off-line solution in our transactional iPad app that stores ticketing data on your iPad's local database. Once an internet connection is restored, that data will be synced to their account as if there was never a connection issue.

Question: What sets ScrapRight apart from the 'Other Guys'?
Answer: ScrapRight is extremely intuitive, and the easiest recycling software to learn and use. Our software is built with the latest technology and is suppoted better than any of our competitors. We care about our customers' feedback and are constantly improving our already excellent products.

Question: Do you offer entry level software packages?
Answer: Yes. We offer full buyside compliance solutions starting at $149/month. 

Question: Do you offer enterprise level packages?
Answer: Yes. Our full version of ScrapRight offers buyside ticketing, compliance, shipping, inventory, costing, many integrations, container tracking and dispatch, customer portals, quoters and much much more, making it one of the most well rounded scrap softwares in existance

Question: Do you sync with my accounting software?
Answer: We sync to Quickbooks, Sage, and SAP. Quickbooks integration is extensive and flexible. Nobody comes close to the level of syncing you can do in ScrapRight

Question: Do you dispense through ATM?
Answer: Yes. Several options available, including a professional through the wall, bank style ATM, a lobby style ATM , teller assist options and even coin dispensing

Question: What other payment methods do you offer?
Answer: Cash, Check (multiple checking accounts), Accounts Payable, ATM, Wire, Teller Assist Dispense, Direct Deposit to Customers' Debit cards (coming soon)

Question: Do you offer a cloud solution?
Answer: Yes! We offer local server installs, Cloud hosted, and Virtual Server options. Get with a ScrapRight Sales professional to assess what option is best for you!

Question:  Do you offer financing?
Answer: Yes. We work with loan companes that know the scrap industry well. Please inquire for details.

Question: Do you offer a turnkey solution to include installation and training on site?
Yes. Highly recommended. We offer the option to have our ScrapRight Certified installers and trainers come to your facility and do your installation for you. We also offer "Go Live" training packages where our trainers will be onsite as you go live with our software. This is a great option because if any questions come up during your live transition, our experts are there to train you on real transactions.

Question: Do you offer installation and training overseas?
Answer: Yes! Our passports are up to date and our installers are ready to go anywhere in the world. In person sales visits are also a possibility depending on the situation

Question: Do you offer every piece of hardware and software that I would need?
Answer: Absolutely. We can provide any equipment it takes to make your software and hardware experience the best it possibly can be.

Question: What is license plate recognition, and do you offer that in the software?
Answer: As your customers drive onto your truckscale, our system can read the license plate of their vehicles and add the customer to your ticket automatically! Saves time and is extremely accurate

Question:  I’m looking for a company that’s technologically advanced do you offer things that the others companies don’t offer?
Answer: ScrapRight uses only the latest tools and technology to ensure you are well taken care of for years and years to come.

Question: What is your company doing to stay ahead of the curve and be prepared for the next generation of software for Scrap & Recycling companies?
Answer: We are constantly improving the software and planning for the future. Version 2 of our flagship sotware program is already underway 

Question: What do you consider to be your top three major competitive advantages?
Answer: Service after the sale, support, and a huge design advantage

Question: Who do you consider to be your top three competitors and why?
When looking at competition and qualifying them for our competitor upgrade package. We look at several factors. How many employees do they have to take care of you after the sale, what software features do they offer and what hardware features do they offer. When examining competitors this way the field thins very quickly as most companies are comprised of just the owner or maybe the owner and one or max two others and the same is true about feature sets & hardware integrations. The three companies that we compete with regularly and that offer almost as many feature sets as ScrapRight and have almost as many tech support and development staff are 21st Century ROM, Tranact Scrap Dragon & Shared Logic.

Question: What are the major factors that I should be looking for a software company for my scrap recycling yard?
Referenced a lot in the first question. How will they take care of you after the sale? Do they have support staff to cover? On the phone or chat with another country only? Do they include troubleshooting hardware or is that charged for on every call? Most of them will answer “we just don’t have any problems” and believe me when I tell you, that is not the experience that many many of them have when they first select the low cost provider and then switch to us later!

Question: How important is it for my guaranteed compliance to be in writing?
One of the biggest reasons scrap yards purchase software is to keep them in compliance. So it is very important that if a new law or requirement is issued in your area, that your software company will have your back. Getting it in writing protects you and ensures that you will always be in compliance.

Question: Do you offer compliance beyond the state level down to County and local?
Answer: If you can provide us with documentation describing your state, county, city, or local law, we will include it in our software offering.

Question: I’m looking for a software company doesn’t try to tell me how to do business what can you say that?
Some of our competitors will lock you into a specific process and way of doing things. ScrapRight is dedicated to working for you and is flexible enough to not force you into changing your process

Question: I buy autos do you offer anything special when it comes to that?
We have several fatures when it comes to buying scrap automobiles including a VIN barcode reader on our app that will decode the vehicle's VIN, a scrap auto quoter, a stock inquiry screen, and several ways to report your autos to NMVTIS and other reporting agencies. Inquire for details!

Question:  I specialize in buying catalytic converters do you offer anything there?
Answer: Yes. We have great tools for buying CATs and cores. Buy by the piece, record assays, get predictive yields for Platinum, Palladium, and Rhodium, create finished goods for your catalyst materials and trace them back to specific lots.

Question: What are your most recent three biggest adds to your software when were these Completed?

Question: We’ve noticed that most software is at least 15 years old for our industry or older how old is yours and what are your plans to make sure that you do not get aged like this?
Answer: We are coming up on 10 amazing years and have already begun work on phase 2 of our software which will be a completely new build using all that we've learned over the last decade to make sure we stay ahead of our competition for the forseeable future.

Question: We have several CRV locations do you offer anything special and priced properly for CRV?
Answer: Several options available including using workstations as collection centers, HR's and DR's are also available as an option. 

Question: We’ve noticed most software companies only work 9 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday what are your support hours?
Answer: We offer extended support hours from 7am to 7pm EST Monday through Friday and also offer phone support on Saturdays from 8am to 3pm EST

Question:  How many tier one tech-support agents do you have during those hours?
Answer: 3-4 working during those hours depending on schedules

Question: We have a couple hundred containers do you offer anything for dispatching a tracking?
Answer: ScrapRight offers its own container tracking and dipatch functionality, and if your needs are even more robust than what our internal features offer, we also integrate to CRO software

Question: How about preventative maintenance can I schedule any preventative maintenance at your software keep track of that?
Answer: Yes preventitive maintenance is built in to your ScrapRight calendar

Question: I’ve noticed some of the software companies offer scale integration do you offer that and is there anything special I should be looking for in regards to that ?
Answer: ScrapRight offers Scale integration. Not only that, we are the only recycling software that is NTEP certified

Question:  Do you have any mobile applications that work with the software?
Answer: Our iOS app, iScrapRight works seamlessly with our software. You can also use android tablets by connecting using a browser.

Question: If I go with your cloud version do you offer anything for with my Internet is down?
Answer: Our iPad app will work in offline mode if your internet goes down. Once your internet is restored, your tickets will sync to your server. If you have a hotspot, you can also operate on that if your internet goes down.