Professional Turn Key Installation & Training

Headed up by the incomparable Randy Davis (aka R2), our installs are the best in the business. Here's what to expect on your ScrapRIght install.


Q. What are some of the things you do to prepare for the install prior to arrival?

R2. I have a routine, before the equipment leaves our facility I check in with the tech support department and make sure all the equipment has been set up and tested (I hate suprizes). Then Brandon (tech support supervisor) and I discuss the location and talk through the network and install schedule. The day before we leave, the guys (install crew) go through and pack the tool boxes. Then we talk through the install and make a plan so that the install goes as smooth as possible (like I said, I hate surprises).

Q. How long is a typical install/training?

R2. Two days is usually plenty of time to install and train. On the first day we install all the hardware, server, workstations, kiosks, cameras, etc.. Day two we usually go live with the first customer. The software is so user friendly that the average scale guy needs about 5 minutes of training and cashiers take less than 10. That allows us to work together with live customers in a real environment.

Q. What does adding an ATM to the install do to the timeline?

R2. ATM adds 1 day to the overall  installation. Providing the location was able to have the site prep work done. I have showed up plenty of times and had to do the site prep work myself.
Lucky for me I have a construction background and building walls is a piece of cake.

Q. Where was your longest onsite install & why were you there so long?

R2. Our longest install was in Haiti. This location was so large and spread out that we ran fiber optic cables to all the different buildings. They had 24 workstations, dozens of cameras, 17 scales networked, and miles of fiber and cat6. At one point we were using machetes to cut through the weeds and brush so we could run the conduit for the fiber. 105-115 degree heat & 85% humidity for 10 days!

Q. Scrapright has switched over 100 scrapyards from other softwares. How do those installs compare to “fresh” installs?

R2. ScrapRight is so user friendly that it takes no extra time to train or retrain someone. Most of the time we hear things like "the old software couldn't do that" or "we should have done this a long time ago."


Q. What are some things a yard can do prior to install that will make the installation and training process go as smooth as possible?

R2. Run conduit ahead of our arrival and have plenty of power too! A power strip plugged into a power strip that's plugged into an extension cord.... Not going to be the most reliable.

Q. How well do your teams work together?

R2. Very well, the object is always to take care of our customers!

Q. What's the most common problem you run into on an install?

R2. Honestly... Weather sometimes poses a challenge. We really don't have many issues on site because we are careful to set up and test every device before it gets shipped to the customer. Doing so eliminates the chance of getting DOA hardware. The servers and software are loaded and tested before they ship, the printers, cameras and scanners have been tested. That's not to say we get on site and the customer has everything in order and ready, but I would say that for the most part, our customers are excited to have us on site and are ready when we get there.

Q. Your software has greatly expanded its feature set over the years. How have your installs and training changed as a result?

R2. We have started training the trainer. The yard selects the best person to be the trainer in there organization and I spend the most time with that person. Everybody gets the basics but the lead person gets the bulk of the training nod then they can pass that info on to the other employees. 

Q. Why should a scrapyard choose ScrapRight over your competitors?

R2. We are truly a full-service recycling software company. From testing and setting up all the devices before they
arrive at the customer to the on site setup, install and training. The service after the sale and the commitment to treating our customers right is as important to us as the sale itself. 

Q. If you were to outline the top five things that your best installs did differently that made for the best install what would those be?

R2. Tough question, I would say out of 300 plus installs there have only been a handful that I would classify as difficult. So 5 things that make for a great install...

1. Pizza! A great pizza joint close to the yard always make for a great install.
2. Conduit. 1" conduit running to the buildings you want us to run new cable to.
3. BBQ... Especially in Oklahoma and Texas.
4. A pole near the truck scale. The best way to get a great picture over the truck scale is to be over the truck scale 16-20 feet up gives the best results.
5. Is a toss up between a doughnut shop (the best are in California) and Chinese buffets.


The reason we consider ourselves as the best TurnKey installation services provider is not because we think that way, rather it is a response from our clients. Hearing our professional Turn Key installation solutions and looking at their practical implementations is what make people gain our trust. So, if there is anything left in this detailed training Q & A, feel free to get in touch.